Practical Steps To Move Out Of A Toxic Relationship With Your Heart Still Intact.
Most often than not , persons in toxic relationships , tend to assume that it will get better and the desire to stay in the toxicity doesn't really matter to them because they keep believing for change and the chance of love reviving again would be a thing to cling on to without thinking twice of the disaster it could cause them in the long run.
For some,they have already assume and accepted the endless maltreatment and ,beating as a norm, and think it is a common thing in all relationships, to be disrespected consistently and abused just as the abuser wants it to be.
To be in a toxic relationship simply means your opinion is not needed, love is not convivial , love is one sided, always sees your worse personality and never appreciate your real self and wants you to have low esteem about yourself and have the mindset that no one will accept you for a relationship because he or she is the best for you.
The following practical Steps will eventually save you from this toxic relationship you are now or theyou were in the past.
1) Embrace Your Personality: To embrace your personality in this context ,simply means you have to know who you are and what you can't accept in a relationship and when you are seeing the signs I mentioned above about subjecting your personality into believing you are worthless and nobody can have a relationship with you because of the mess he or she has put you through,and wants you to be psychologically hypnotized,in this aspect have a mindset renewal because you have to leave that relationship with your heart intact for a better relationship in the future.
2) Have A Positive Attitude:Having a positive attitude will connote here as,believing that leaving the toxic relationship with yourheart intact and your head on your body ,you will have the best relationship in the future and that you can survive well in a healthy one and with what you passed through in the toxic relationship,you can be balanced faster than you ever expected.
Simply Move-on Without Looking Back: If perhaps you have been messed up in a toxic relationship and now you have come to realised the never ending drama of the abuser telling you about his love stories of how he loves you dearly?you had better taken the remaining sanity which is remaining with you before it will be too late,don't let the ceaseless pleading of the abusive partner get to you,because when you go back to that toxic relationship it always turns out worse and even disastrous.
4)Get Around People With Non Abusive Partners:When you get to move with people with healthy relationships and their priority lists are endless possible future in love ,respect,appreciation,giving in love, and your status in reviewing where you have been and where you want to be in love will automatically gear you up in leaving that toxic relationship in no time and give you a good reason to having your sanity and your heart intact.