When Your Partner Has Trust Issues What To Do
I have actually witnessed a situation that warranted my candid advice and how I came about the solutions, will baffle you to the your bone barrow, well let me start with this little introduction ok, Couple trust issues, partner trust issues, marriage trust issues are a very rampant problem that if not settled or solved, will yield unpalatable fruits that can be felt physically.
Trust is faith or believe that somebody or a partner won't harm or hurt you and also have loyalty because of the true believe, haven't said that, we sometimes loose focus on the true meaning of trust in the sense that trust issues can actually take to different dynamic views, because trust issues can come from misunderstanding, communication gap, secrecy and so on and so forth and believe you me, that alot of relationships have gone down or have broken because of so many factors , but no matter the trust issues in your relationships, these below solid tips will help you steadily.
1)Communicate Regularly:In a relationship, communication is the first key that keeps friendship going strong , just imagine you and your partner talk or communicate once a week or once a month, do you know that there will surely be unavoidable gaps that will result in misunderstanding and wanton suspiciousness because as a result of not communicating regularly , your partner must surely suspect you having another relationship that demands more of your attention and loyalty.
2)Be Available: When you are in a relationship and your presence is not felt, like for instance, your partner calls you for an important occasion or celebration of sort, you never attended and gave one flimsy excuse for not attending , not once , you keep giving him or her a reason to doubt your loyalty to the relationship.
3)Be Sincere:Relationship demands that both parties must be truthful to one another,you don't expect your partner to trust you, when sincerity is far from you that will be expecting the heavens to come down, for example you went to a friend's birthday and your partner calls to know where you are and the next thing is for you to tell him or her you are at home and your partner gets to your abode and never found you at home, what then will be the outcome, it will be lack of trust in you that is why sincerity should be your watch word and in your relationship.
4)Be Accountable:Who doesn't love accountability? In a relationship to avoid trust issues you must be ready to be accountable to your partner, you should involve your partner in what is meaningful to you , your partner should be able to tell others where you are now , what you are involved in and so on , never let another person tell him some things about you ,him or her should be able to hear from you directly , this build trust evenly.
5)Paying Attention To Details:To Build trust or rather stop trust issues,you must learn to pay attention to details and know what your partner loves and delikes,if you know what your partner loves and continue in that dimension,trust will automatically be added.